Monday, October 15, 2007

Nobel Update: Economics

And its a bonanza for the US with added bonuses of (probably) up to three Hebrews and one Princeton. A good day for the home teams:
Leonid Hurwicz, 90, a professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota, initiated the field of mechanism design theory, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in the award citation. His work was further developed by two 56-year-old economists who are sharing the prize — Roger B. Myerson, a professor at the University of Chicago, and Eric S. Maskin, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J.
Updated score
  • Medicine = Mario Capecchi,
  • Martin Evans, Oliver Smithies (US, UK, US/UK)
  • Chemistry = Gerhard Ertl
  • Physics = Albert Fert & Peter Grünberg (France & Germany)
  • Literature = Doris Lessing (UK)
  • Peace = Al Gore, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (US, UN)
  • Economics = Leonid Hurwicz, Roger Myerson, Eric S. Maskin (USx3)
America = 5.5
England = 2.5
Germany = 2
France = 1
UN = 1
Jews = -1 (+ possibly 3)
Possible Nazis Because Hey You Never Know With Germans Born in 1936 = 1

More notes: This is why the Nobels are better than the Olympics. The good guys win way more often in the sciences than they do in sports.

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