Sunday, November 12, 2006

Jonah Goldberg

A friend of mine has compared my writing style and attitude to Jonah Goldberg (of the National Review). I am flattered but there is way too much to dislike about JG for me to consider it a compliment anymore. Goldberg -- and any Republican journalist who has defended this administration and this (past, yihoo) Congress -- is worthless. Even in 2004, the smarter and more honest Republicans realized how horrible things were, but as I am a generous man I can understand why and how some Republicans wanted to stick with Bush (a.k.a. Kerry?!? Barf).

However, the only people who still support the President and this Congress are either (a) being paid by the GOP (b) intellectually dishonest, (c) ideologically blind, or (d) stupid. All four possibilities make people like Jonah Goldberg worthless.

And then I saw the cover of his upcoming book. It's one of those "Liberals Are So Mean" books that the GOP Press Machine spews out. But the cover?! A disgrace:

Hillary is Hitler, no doubt. And Jonah, if he had any choice in this cover, is scum.

Update Here's the book at Amazon, if you want to verify my claim

1 comment:

Special Ed said...

the cover is sick to be published on a book, but if it was just one of thsoe random internet pics I'd giggle a little.