Thursday, November 09, 2006

GOP dirty tricks

One of the most flagrant of GOP dirty tricks with documentary (digital, OK) proof as seen in this story by Bonnie Goldstein in Slate Magazine.
the Ehrlich and Steele campaigns sent out to heavily Democratic black neighborhoods in Prince George's County flyers that were designed to deceive black voters into thinking the candidates had been endorsed by three popular Maryland African American politicians: Prince George's County Executive Jack B. Johnson, former P.G. County Executive Wayne K. Curry, and former Rep. Kweisi Mfume, who more recently served as president of the NAACP. (In fact, two of these three men had endorsed Ehrlich and Steele's Democratic opponents, Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley and Democratic Rep. Ben Cardin. The third, Curry, endorsed Steele but not Ehrlich.)

To give the documents credibility, the campaigns needed to find African American campaign workers to distribute them. So they bused in homeless blacks from Pennsylvania and Delaware, paying them $100 and feeding them two meals.
Just so's ya know. Both Ehrlich and Steele lost. Steele is now vying for the position of head of RNC. In general I have as much respect and trust of African-American Republicans as I do gay Republicans but Steele seems to be a cut above/below the average. He'll be a perfect replacement for Mehlman.

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