Wednesday, April 23, 2008

There Have Been Worse?

I've heard many times from the bloviating pundits that the Democratic primary has been mild and tame compared to primaries in the past. Yeah? Like what?! I've heard this over and over and it's been smugly accepted. Sure, the GOP vs Dem fights have been worse, I remember Willy Horton and all that, but between Democrats?

I've heard 1980 was worse (between Carter and Kennedy). I'm going to see what I can find on youtube etc, to compare. Yeah, inherently running against a sitting president is a 'negative' act, but did Kennedy say that Reagan would be a better Commander in Chief than Carter? That was the lowest that Hillary hit.

OK, a quick Youtube jaunt doesn't find anything that bad from Kennedy, but this commercial should have given Hillary pause:

Kennedy's words, "No More Jimmy Carter," being used in a Reagan campaign commercial. Brrrrr.


ptjew said...

Hope you are having a good Pesach. I advise reading the book from my blog, oh it might not be easy to find. The book is called My Senator. And the end is Kennedy vs Carter. He almost won too.

A guest Rabbi (Rabbi's assistant candidate) is coming to our temple tonight. I guess you are out of the running. Lol.

JC said...

"The book is called My Senator. And the end is Kennedy vs Carter. He almost won too."

I'll check it out.

"A guest Rabbi (Rabbi's assistant candidate) is coming to our temple tonight. I guess you are out of the running. Lol."

Yup, for a year or two.