Monday, October 04, 2004

Debate #1 Analysis

We missed the first debate because of the Chag but I was able to watch the footage afterwards from C-Span. My wife is an ardent Republican (along with the rest of her family) and I am - to say the least - not. As such, I needed to contain my glee when I watched Kerry staple Bush's pasty white rump to the wall. Again and again. It wasn't because I'm a fan of Kerry, Lord knows, but because Bush has needed a good rump-whupping for all his life. He got one Thursday.

One reason why he was knocked cold is because he cannot handle criticism. He cannot admit a mistake (possibly because he is so devoid of achievement, mistakes and success all looks the same to him). And his handlers have been trying to protect him from even the tiniest hint of criticism whenever Bush ventures out of his Oval Playpen.

You can see it in the debate - every time Bush releases a one-liner he pauses for the laughter and/or roaring applause. He has been so sheltered by Rove, he doesn't know what it's like to have somebody tear your ideas apart. And even if Bush could withstand Kerry's pounding, Bush found no solace without the applause.

Bush also suffered the pitfall of an underperforming politician - he can only repeat over and over his meager accomplishments. For example, Kerry said we should be doing more for Sudan; Bush tried to say that he too thinks we should do more for Sudan… but then he got stuck by the concept that he's already supposed to be doing that.

In the 2000 debate, Bush was devoid of accomplishments but the country was willing to have that. We had unprecedented peace and prosperity under Clinton and people were willing to put up with Elvis but not his insufferable sidekick. Why not elect a bonehead? It was Harding all over - we're doing so well, we can afford to elect a vapid partying thief and we're doing *too* well to suffer the droning of a wooden wonk.

We'll see if Bush's handlers prepare him better - emotionally - for the next debate (which will be on Friday night!!!!!). If not, then we're going to have red and orange alerts till November.

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