Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Chapter 11 disclaimer

Holy cow!

I want to assure all those who are members of my current synagogue that I was not referring to you at all. I got an impassioned email from a congregant that made me realize that just as I had to silence the Styx when I got my job in New York, I am again going to have to severely silence the Styx now that I'm in New Haven. I am going to now go through my recent posts and eliminate everything that could be offensive. It'll just be updates about my kids, political screeds, movie reviews, and odd observations. Anything that has to do with me personally will no longer be blogworthy. I was foolish to think otherwise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Self censorship? How boring. You just might be a breath of much needed fresh air - and thinking - in New Haven. This town has gotten far too moldy. Hold on to your cute little kippa, rabbi, and let's rock this town tonight.