Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The National Review Proves Our Point

Gotta love the National Review. They take particular aim at one man who has been speaking the God's Honest Truth for a long while, Paul Krugman of the New York Times (and Princeton), NRO sells sweatshirts, etc, with an anti-Krugman logo! See the Krugman Truth Squad

It makes sense. Krugman is the greatest type of threat to the mealy rationales of NRO writers and readers. And it reinforces what I had felt before, that Krugman is Da Man.

P.S. To compound Jonah Goldberg's asininnity, they have sweatshirts with his face on them as well. I guess I understand why NRO attacks people like Krugman (and maybe much of this gutter conservative ideology as well) - low self esteem. I'll recommend a good shrink to Goldberg when Bush is voted out of office and pardons all of his war criminal cronies.

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