Wednesday, May 07, 2003

7th Century Talmud & Israeli Targets

The irony is delicious. Because US soldiers were searching for an artifact, a 7th Century Talmud, they found a trove of documents and mockups that detail potential targets in Israel, the targets from the 1991 gulf war and other incriminating evidence. Incriminating, however, if you think that attacking Israel is a bad thing - which most of the world has mixed feelings about. See the NYT story.

Check this paragraph out:

Of even greater interest to MET Alpha was a "top secret" intelligence memo found in a room on another floor. Written in Arabic and dated May 20, 2001, the memo from the Iraqi intelligence station chief in an African country described an offer by a "holy warrior" to sell uranium and other nuclear material. The bid was rejected, the memo states, because of the United Nations "sanctions situation." But the station chief wrote that the source was eager to provide similar help at a more convenient time

Hey, I guess sanctions do work, kinda.

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