Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Brief: Space Madness

Found a fun link to wav-sound files of some of my favorite insanity. Like Ren & Stimpy. Site's called "Frogstar" which is evocative enough. Enjoy.

This is a backpost finished 4/10/08, but who cares really.


ptjew said...

Guess what there is a web site to convert mp3 to wav. Google mp3 to wav converter.

Teach me to be a better blogger like you.

JC said...

"Guess what there is a web site to convert mp3 to wav"


"Teach me to be a better blogger like you."

Thanks! I had no idea I would be considered a better blogger. I'm just going through my semi-annual blog-regret writing spree. It'll be over soon (Pesach coming).