Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Prager is a Ho

Dennis Prager used to be smart. In the past I had felt that his prodigious intelligence allowed him to say important things despite his obvious mental flaws (he threw away his Orthodox education in favor of easy pornography and Egotheism - i.e. the belief that you are smarter than God so you can make your own rules). But ever since the rise of Bush II Prager has torn off his reasoned facade and entered the moon-tube of the depraved Hard Right.

Many reject Prager for his embrace of Mel Gibson. I now reject him because he is a Jewish Rush Limbaugh - spouting clear, obvious lies while crushing his moral compass between the dollar bills he received from selling so sadly out.

Read his latest nutjob screed: "Note to Angry Republicans - Stay Angry but vote Republican"

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