Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Kinky Friedman

Were I living in Texas, and haven't already immolated with fright or shame, I would definitely be voting for my good ol' Texas Jewboy Kinky Friedman. He was interviewed by the Weekly Standard. Here's a primo choice quote:

The musical revelry hits a speed bump when we start talking about his close friend Willie Nelson, whom he calls the "hillbilly Dalai Lama," and with whom he currently has a double-or-nothing wager. Willie took him for a grand on how the Iraq war would turn out (Kinky thought Bush and Blair would be "heroes"). Kinky now stands to win two grand if Joe Lieberman beats Ned Lamont--eight thousand if you count his Lieberman side bets with other suckers. Kinky's an inveterate gambler who takes "fact-finding trips to Vegas," though "these days, I'm bettin' on Texas." Still, of Lieberman, he says, "That f--er better win."

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