Friday, April 30, 2004

Oh great, war crimes

To quote from the Times story:
The abuse, portrayed by photographs that were first broadcast on the CBS News program "60 Minutes II" on Wednesday night and that were verified by military officials, depict naked prisoners being subjected to sexual humiliation. The CBS program reported that poorly trained American reservists were forcing the captives to perform simulated sexual acts to break down their will before interrogation.
Uh, what?! As I've said before, the problem we're having with Iraq is predictable considering that we have reservists there instead of the real professionals (who are, Thank God, in Afghanistan, where we have an ongoing war against the people who attacked us some time in September a few years ago).

The reservists are not trained for this stuff. And when you're not trained, you scare easily and resort to bad stuff. Also, these soldiers were told that they were supposed to go home a while ago but they keep getting forcibly renewed.

My question is whether Bush is going to institute a draft (unlikely) or just deny these soldiers a chance to vote in November (so likely that the odds are 2:1 against... once a vote-stealer, always a vote-stealer).

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